Use "fixate|fixated|fixates|fixating" in a sentence

1. He never used to be so fixated on losing weight.

2. Each time they fixate, we see a group of words.

3. She becomes fixated on pursuing justice at all costs.

4. But he got fixated on Baskerville, didn't he?

5. Well, the ones on TV seem oddly fixated on their sunglasses.

6. Uniform didn't make the connection, because he was fixated on this.

7. It's not suspicious that I'm fixating. It's consistent with my personality.

8. Using Autosuggestion, people can fixate on a belief, an action, or an opinion.

9. She becomes fixated on pursuing justice at all costs.Sentencedict

10. An infant with normal vision will fixate on a light held before him.

11. He is fixated on things that remind him of his childhood.

12. We recognize words usually when our eyes are still when they fixate.

13. Mobilization of the fixated Arytenoid in the stenotic posterior laryngeal commissure

14. She is not hooked on soap operas, she is melodramatically fixated.

15. Back in London, he became fixated with his best friend's daughter.

16. It becomes increasingly fixated on rituals and formalities, and ever more fearful of ultimate results.

17. Fixate a small distant object with your eyes and point directly at it with forefinger.

18. About “Aftertaste” In “Aftertaste”, Ellie fixates on the lingering remnants of an ending relationship, likened to an Aftertaste

19. Nor are women so fixated by visual cues, so obsessed with physical rivalry.

20. Individuals with BDD fixate on an imagined flaw in their appearance or a slight physical abnormality.

21. Traders who fixate like that are looking at the tree instead of seeing the whole forest.

22. And so our national accounting system became fixated on what we can produce.

23. He became fixated on the piano at age after seeing one at a preschool.

24. Fixate a small distant object with your eyes and point directly at it with your forefinger.

25. Iris irritation is minimal and is less than that produced by sulcus-fixated intraocular lenses.

26. Increasingly he seemed fixated on the danger that it would escalate into a world war.

27. The eye tracker records these movements and the location of the foveal vision when the eyes fixate.

28. Anhinga has placid, doe-brown eyes, usually filled with a far-off look or fixating something with a gentle gaze

29. 11 So why is National still so fixated on asset fire sale failures of the past?

30. Sometimes when groups of horses get mixed up a foal may seem to get irrationally fixated on another horse.

31. People with Anorexia and bulimia may fixate on weight and appearance, and they may have a distorted body image

32. In 5 cases the IOL’s were removed and replaced by new posteriorChamber lenses fixated with sulcus sutures.

33. In addition, a matched-pairs analysis was performed comparing 43 patients with sulcus versus bag-fixated IOLs.

34. 25 Like Dent, Norwegian artist Vebjorn Sand became fixated on an unrealized Leonardo dream, the Bosporus bridge.

35. He becomes fixated on his own physical limitations and begins worshipping the male members of others.

36. The resting 18 eyes (open-angle glaucomas only) received capsule bag fixated IOLs with common flexible haptics.

37. Like other ministers he was fixated on the reshuffle, which should come the day after the election.

38. Synonyms for Concentrating include focusing, focussing, fixating, minding, heeding, fastening, paying attention to, focusing on, devoting oneself to and focusing …

39. She stood as if her body had ceased to function, her thoughts fixated on her cozy, smoky kang.

40. Furthermore, at least one locking element (14) is provided for fixating the pictogram lighting element (2) is a positively connecting, locking way on the device carrier (4).

41. Anchoring is a cognitive bias described by behavioral finance in which individuals fixate on a target number or value—usually, the first one they …

42. For all its intimacy and melodic grace, “Aromanticism” — true to its title — sets out to re-examine the ways our culture idealizes and fixates on couples in love.

43. As investors fixate on the global forces whipsawing the markets, one fundamental measure of stock-market value, the price/earnings ratio, is shrinking in size and importance.

44. The anchoring effect describes when decision makers fixate on initial information as a starting point and then, once set, fail to adequately adjust for subsequent information.

45. Marshall McLuhan and Walter Ong thought print helped further reorient language from sound to vision, paving the way for our screen-fixated present.

46. The IUP Chorale dates at least to 1961, when other parts of the music listening world were fixated on Elvis Presley and Chubby Checker

47. From the nomadic steppes of Kazakhstan to the frenetic streets of Hanoi, Asia is a continent so full of intrigue, adventure, solace and spirituality that it has fixated and confounded travellers for centuries.

48. Correction of deformities of distal femur by a supracondylar dome or drill hole osteotomy in combination with a retrograde intramedullary nailing as an alternative to the classic technique of osteotomizing with an oscillating saw and internally fixating with a blade plate.

49. Of Speculation, in a way that it coaxes the reader to fixate on the asterisks between the short sections.”―Reluctant Habits “Faces in the Crowd is a subtle, sophisticated examination of identity, authenticity, and poetry

50. Accommodative Convergence That component of Convergence which occurs reflexly in response to a change in accommodation.It is easily demonstrated by having one eye fixate from a far point to a near point along its line of sight, while the other eye is occluded

51. Thanks to the special geometry of the screw head, they are perfectly suited for even the smallest bone grafts. The cross recess heads, milled to perfection, and the matching, self-fixating pick-up bit guarantee an absolutely secure hold of the screw with optimal force transmission.

52. EU-funded scientists launched the project 'Interaction of relative and absolute depth signals in the primate brain' (REAL-DEPTH) to investigate the role and mechanisms of vergence signals (during convergence or divergence of the eyes to fixate) in depth encoding in humans and monkeys.

53. In eyes with parafoveolar to perifoveal fixation mode measurements of CVMs and of hue discrimination gave better results than could be expected with regard to the position of the fixating area as determined by visuscope. The values correspond to those obtained in retinal areas at least as close to the foveola as the amblyopic fixation point, but usually of an even more central position.